It is called Purchasing Policy criteria generated in any procurement process that carry the values, principles and standards of conduct of SEDAL in any customer-supplier relationship is made in the company.
The aim of the Procurement Policy SEDAL is to deliver to its partners the basis on which to perform an action of purchase (product and services), so as to establish a management style that guarantees objectivity, transparency and excellence buying process and optimal management in terms of efficiency to meet the objective in buying.
1.Conductas purchase.
It is expected that all employees guide their behavior and purchasing decisions in the practices and values of SEDAL.
2.Shopping Practices
It is the responsibility of all employees directly or indirectly involved in procurement activities and, particularly direct supervisors, protect at all times the good name of SEDAL, establishing and preserving proper relationships between the company and its corporate suppliers and ensuring the use of unobjectionable practices purchases.
The following practices should be considered in every action of purchase:
a) Consider the interest of the company SEDAL in all buying decisions, above the particular interest of the areas first.
b) The staff responsible for interacting in the acquisition of products and services for SEDAL, place purchase orders and prepare contracts with suppliers without incurring favoritism of any kind, favoring only the overall interest of the company.
c) Any purchase or agreement with suppliers must be previously authorized by the instance with the powers or duties purchase necessary. should not commit company resources or contracts or generate purchase orders without authority to do so. The practice of buying first and ask permission later is not acceptable in SEDAL.
d) Nor can compromise or advance money, without corresponding performance bonds as appropriate
e) To promote healthy competition among suppliers to obtain the maximum value for the business, without losing sight of the mission of SEDAL as to develop relationships with suppliers, mutually beneficial, long-term, high quality standards, compliance and transparency.
f) To promote and continuously strengthen transparency, efficiency and agility of the purchasing process.
h) not act with indifference or passivity towards purchasing practices observed to be improper or conflict with the code of conduct SEDAL or purchasing policy.
Conflicts of Interest
An employee must not engage in any activity or decision involving an actual conflict of interest or potential for the company.
Employees who have any patrimonial relationship with a supplier or kinship to the second degree with any of its major partners or executives who make buying decisions, should refrain from participating in purchasing decisions related to this provider.
This corresponds in these cases or others who deprive the partner of the necessary independence and neutrality, it is to refrain from making any decision and inform their direct superior or Manager of Corporate Purchasing and suppliers to resolve the relationship with this supplier will be administered, if it was a duly qualified to operate with SEDAL provider.
Gifts and Incentives
No employee involved in managing purchase must use their authority or position in the organization for personal gain.
To preserve the image and integrity of the employee and the company, as a rule, should not accept gifts or incentives of providers, except complimentary gifts or small intrinsic value and sporadically. For those cases that receive gifts or invitations that do not fall into this category (such as travel, hotel stays), the employee should excuse himself with courtesy warranting the case or shall inform the Manager of Corporate Purchasing and Suppliers for advice on how to proceed.
In other words, the frequency and nature of possibly accepted gifts, should not allow the receiver may seem, in the view of others, being influenced in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such gifts, nor can afford in any case in the consciousness of this fact receiver is able to make you lose your independence.
Suppliers Policy
Supplier Management Policy is based on the Business Mission SEDAL in maintaining a business relationship with our suppliers of mutual benefit, loyalty in time and high quality standards, compliance and transparency.
The principles of action with suppliers:
a) Ratio of long-term and profitable. In purchasing decisions SEDAL favors sustainable business relationship and service in the long term and profitable both SEDAL and their suppliers about their short-term benefits only.
b) Compliance with commitments. It is intrinsic to the business ethics SEDAL always ensure compliance with the commitments made to our suppliers. For this purpose, the collaborators who made these commitments, written or oral, should be entitled to it.
c) transparency and objectivity in procurement processes.The purchase process should ensure full transparency in procurement management, and objectivity in decision-making.
d) Equal opportunities Providers
It should ensure equal opportunities for all suppliers to bid their products or services to SEDAL in a particular purchase process.
e) Vendor Evaluation
SEDAL providers should be evaluated on their performance as such, according to evaluation criteria defined by the company and applied depending on the characteristics of the purchased product or service contracted provider. For those suppliers who obtain insufficient or negative rating action it should take regularization or term of their contracts, as appropriate.
f) Formality in relations with suppliers
The business relationship with suppliers should always be formal and agreements must be in writing. Providers they should respond promptly and courteously.
g) Timeliness of payments
You must pay suppliers promptly according to the conditions agreed in the respective contracts, regardless of provider, to streamline and prioritize the payment process should be known by the supplier.
h) Listen to suppliers
You must install the practice of listening in a systematic and professional providers, in order to address their concerns, suggestions and requests to allow continuously improve the relationship with them. For these purposes, formal channels of communication will be established.
i) Base bounded suppliers
It should be promoted maintain optimal number of suppliers by buying items set to ensure healthy competition and diversification of risk to the continuity of the operation